Hotlum Glacier

Hotlum Glacier
Type Mountain glacier
Location Siskiyou County, California, USA
Area 0.7 sq mi (1.8 km2)
Length 1.3 miles (2.1 km)
Thickness average 67 ft (20 m)
Terminus moraine
Status expanding

The Hotlum Glacier is a glacier situated on the northeast flank of Mount Shasta, in the U.S. state of California. It is the largest and most voluminous glacier in California, although not as thick or long as the nearby Whitney Glacier.[1] The Hotlum Glacier flows from a large cirque on the northeast side of Mount Shasta's main summit below the Hotlum Headwall at roughly 13,600 ft (4,150 m).[2] It flows northeastward down the steep slope, forming three lobes which terminate near 10,400 ft (3,170 m).[2]

In 2002, scientists made the first detailed survey of Mount Shasta's glaciers in 50 years. They found that seven of the glaciers have grown over the period 1951-2002, with the Hotlum and Wintun Glaciers nearly doubling, the Bolam Glacier increasing by half, and the Whitney and Konwakiton Glaciers growing by a third.[3][4][5]


  1. ^ Driedger, Carolyn L.; Kennard, Paul M. (1986). "Ice volumes on Cascade volcanoes; Mount Rainier, Mount Hood, Three Sisters, and Mount Shasta". U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1365. Retrieved 2007-03-06. 
  2. ^ a b Google Earth elevation for GNIS coordinates.
  3. ^ Harris, Stephen L. (2005). Fire Mountains of the West: The Cascade and Mono Lake Volcanoes (3rd ed.). Mountain Press Publishing Company. pp. 109. ISBN 0-87842-511-X. 
  4. ^ Wong, Kathleen. "California Glaciers". California Wild. California Academy of Sciences. Archived from the original on 2006-10-06. Retrieved 2007-01-23. 
  5. ^ Whitney, David (September 4, 2006). "A growing glacier: Mount Shasta bucks global trend, and researchers cite warming phenomena". The Bee. Archived from the original on 2007-01-21. Retrieved 2007-01-23. 

Bill Guyton (2001). Glaciers of California: Modern Glaciers, Ice Age Glaciers, the Origin of the Yosemite Valley, and a Glacier Tour in the Sierra Nevada. University of California Press. ISBN 0520226836.

See also